ESU 8 Registration: Workshops: Workshop Details
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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshop2021 Fall GOLD workday
DepartmentDepartmentESU 8 - SPED
Default ContactDefault ContactRuth Miller
Default LocationESU 8 Conference Rooms A & B
DescriptionThis is an opportunity for preschool teachers, speech language pathologists, and early childhood special education teachers to meet and share tips/tricks for collecting and using GOLD data. Ruth Miller will provide updates on Results Matter and Rule 11 requirements. There will be AT LEAST 4 hours of time for participants to work on the Fall Benchmarks that are due on October 31st. Bring a laptop and your GOLD documentation. Lunch is on your own.

AudienceAudience: preschool teachers and birth to 5 special education providers
Materials RequiredMaterials Required: laptop